In another post, I wrote about the euphemism treadmill – when it comes to anti-supports, it often feels like we are stuck on the disability supports treadmill. A lot of walking but you never get anywhere. We’re all on this merry-go-round trying to reach the end of the rainbow where we can finally find the […]
Anti-supports: Help that Isn’t Helpful
“There are a lot of organizations to help with that” a friend might say if you mention a problem you’re experiencing related to your disabled child. Maybe the school isn’t providing the services they they should. A doctor’s office won’t make reasonable accommodations to allow your child to receive the care that they need. Your […]
One Doesn’t Have to Operate With Malice To Do Harm
Why Disability?
I talked about some of the reasons that other words for disability are not preferred by the disability community in Stop Saying Special Needs and Stop Taking About the Mental Age of People With Disabilities. To sum it up here, none of the alternative terms for disability were actually coined by or endorsed by anyone […]
Say Disabled, The Poem
Disabled. People say 16,000 words a day But one word no one wants to say: disabled. Cripped Crip Gimp Gump Differently- Abled Special Stumpy Slow Retard Crazy Sick Lame Stricken Sufferer Afflicted Low functioning High functioning Pathetic Brave Needy Helpless Hopeless Must be saved Shouldn’t be doing that Why aren’t they doing more? Lazy Lonely […]